Quick Recipe Ideas
Scroll down to find your favourite fruit vinegar to pair with your choice of dish. Then you can click on the motif to take you to that vinegar.
Thank you very much to all the creative contributors who have supplied this wide variety of recipes and tips.
Golden Raspberry & Apache Chilli Vinegar
shenasseeds Why I like to come home: loved #rhschelsea but u can't beat fresh leaves 4 lunch with touch of WomersleyFoods vinegar
LoveFoodFest Ned is loving the golden raspberry and apache chilli dressing I bought from you. We are having a winter salad with it: not bad for a 6 yr old who hates chilli ;) he's converted! Thank you!
HollyBellMummy I can thoroughly recommend the chilli infused vinegar by WomersleyFoods as a fine ingredient in a spicy mint sauce. Yum.
BlackSheepBeer Added some of your golden rasp and apache chilli to a salsa on Sat pm with scallops..... Yummy!
TandCakeCafe Simmering some juniper berries in Raspberry & Chilli vinegar, ready for immersing our Kitchen Garden beetroot in.
josordoni I am seriously in love with orzo salad, drenched in Raspberry & apache chilli vinegar
leafhsetherapy Had yum beetroot baked in foil w WomersleyFoods vinegar plus some oil from sundried toms bottle for fab flavour last night ..Mmmmm
LeftSideWorks Dinner tonight... Normally just splash a bit of white wine on, but used vinegar before and after cooking... Result!
LeftSideWorks I take your play on a Terry's ChocOrange and raise you a baked camembert sprinkled with Rasp and Chilli with thyme flowers!
laurajoyhawk Since discovering your golden raspberry and chilli dressing BBCGoodFoodShow, we haven't looked back! Fantastic!
LeftSideWorks Marinate it in raspberry and apache chilli vinegar... Eat it... Everything tastes good with your vinegar... Doesn't it?!?
malaguista Added some Golden Raspberry & Apache to some Hummus... Made a world of difference. Added sweetness was a bonus.
malaguista243 Just lunched on a Chip Butty. OK, So it was flavoured with Halen_Mon Salt; WomersleyFoods Raspberry & Chilli dressing & Pecorino!
RobGreenchef Todays top tip! Before BBQing meat and vegetable skewers, marinate in your fave vinegar for 2 hours.... The sugar content in the vinegar will caramelise your skewers to perfection!
malaguista243 Not tried that (lime in batter mix). Will do. Gets my vote in a Pork stir fry, though. And mayo, made with Apache is awesome!
fly276 And on today's healthy CrunchySnack of raw green pepper, cauliflower & cucumber: it's WomersleyFoods Golden Raspberry & Apache chilli vinegar
LeftSideWorks I've become a big fan of WomersleyFoods chilli and raspberry vinegar, with shallot
HollyBellMummy Razzamataz ribs with some gorgeous WomersleyFoods vinegar! Recipe here
OFKitchen How about a Roast Pepper & Goats Cheese salad drizzled with some delicious WomersleyFoods Golden Raspberry & Apache Chilli Dressing?
Lemon, Basil, Bay & Juniper Vinegar
BotanicalBaker Kedgeree with Lemon, Basil, Bay and Juniper Dressing and Herb Parchment Bread
naththebutcher Lemon,basil, bay and juniper vinegar: using it as a secret ingredient for some meat brining
BotanicalBaker Has to be smoked salmon on bites of sourdough toast with cream cheese and dash of WomersleyFoods lemon,basil, bay dressing
Brays_Cottage That sounds good (beetroot and soured cream)- I made a dressing with womersleyfoods lemon, black pepper & (I forget!) vinegar. Worked well.
BotanicalBaker Oooooh forgot to tell you. Did salmon blinis with your lemon and juniper for my birthday drinks last week. Yum!
BotanicalBaker New recipe: Lemon Drizzle Loaf with WomersleyFoods Lemon, Basil, Bay and Juniper Dressing
marcusbeanchef Special tonight, grey mullet with tiger prawns & chorizo, spring onion, mint & WomersleyFoods Lemon vinegar dressing
SigneSJohansen Picked up some dab for dinner, an under-rated flat fish. Cooking it in brown butter, capers and lemon vinegar from WomersleyFoods YUM
TweeterMag Used lemon vinegar with garlic & onion inside a roasting chook
janestaunton1 Am addicted to griddled courgettes with crumbled feta and pine nuts, drizzled with WomersleyFoods lemon, basil, bay and juniper vinegar
the_a_stevenson A tablespoon of khmeli kuneli spice/herb blend worked beautifully in my batter. Dressed w womersleyfoods lemon/bay vinegar
faith_PR Had your lemon vinegar on some salmon last night - was delicious!
WeGrowOurOwn BBCGoodFoodShow I took inspiration from the label & had it with some poached fish! :-)
RobGreenchef Todays top tip. Lemon, basil, bay, juniper dressing with whipped goats cheese, set in fridge and use for tarts, toast, salads or crostini.
the_a_stevenson Tagliatelle with potted shrimps, capers, bonito flakes & lemon, basil, bay dressing
orangemartini Simple dinners R the best lifeforkspoon: beef & ale pie, with salad dressed with Yors oil, WomersleyFoods lemon, basil & bay vinegar - yum!
chalkypilot As it happens, a fine barbecue, of mackerel and sardines. With a hint of WomersleyFoods lemon, basil, bay & juniper.
Raspberry Vinegar
SigneSJohansen Coleslaw made with WomersleyFoods raspberry vinegar. I just used a small red cabbage, 1/2 granny smith, 1 shallot, 1 carrot, couple of radishes & tossed in raspberry vinegar and a simple mustard & lemon dressing. Love slaw!
SigneSJohansen food_writer Thanks Rupert, your vinegar was a match made in heaven with andreasveg delicious beetroot tossed in raspberry vinegar, crispbread was from PetersYard (suppliers for #GuildFood tonight)
zumojuice They make awesome meat glazes, marinades and bastings
FieldAndForrest Customer using raspberry dressing in Gin and Tonic. Now there's an interesting and delicious use!
malaguista Skinny-Dips, for lunch. Not had them for years! With Mayonnaise laced with WomersleyFoods #RaspberryVinegar... #Perfick
TweeterMag Have mascerated peeled & stoned doughnut peaches in raspberry dressing. Yummy. :-) #enthused
ameliarope Venison coming out of the freezer as time this wkend to try it with Rasp vinegar in a 'jus'
SigneSJohansen Cobbled together a salad of leftovers with chicory, roast beetroot, pearled spelt, blue cheese and WomersleyFoods raspberry vinegar. Fab.
Brays_Cottage Forgot to say, last night's venison stew (by OH) was extra gorgeous cooked with a splash of WomersleyFoods raspberry vinegar.
Paleopolly Ribbons of carrots, fresh beetroot sliced, fresh coriander, wasabi leaves, slices of red onion WomersleyFoods Raspberry Vinegar
goodshoeday People loved the vinegar btw we used it on a radish and goats cheese crisp bread topping simple but delish :)
SigneSJohansen Am making with Snøfrisk, radish, parsley, smoked sea salt from Halen_Mon and raspberry vinegar from WomersleyFoods
SigneSJohansen Oof home cured gravlaks hit the spot tonight w/rainbow carrots + shallot in WomersleyFoods raspberry vinegar, potatoes + beans. Yum.
SigneSJohansen Raspberry vinegar the perfect spritz for my beetroot, apple, walnut & bacon salad...
ChefRachelGreen Had a great smoked game salad with the raspberry vinegar: divine
ArtHouseCafe Jeremy YummyYorkshire told me how nice your vinegar is drizzled over their homemade icecream & we stock both!! :) #greedy
laurajoyhawk Raspberry Vinegar absolute HEAVEN in homemade raspberry sorbet. But on Sunday, it'll be all about the BBQ marinade (fingers crossed for sun!)
Paleopolly I can attest that the raspberry vinegar is absolutely outstanding! Goes with everything. Fav, Yorkshire puds!
Photo © RFB Photography
Lime, Black Pepper & Lavender Vinegar
HazelPaterson Summer Fennel Salad sexed up with a bit of love from goodfork and WomersleyFoods
charjoe Making vanilla pannacotta, served w blackberries macerated in lime, black pepper and lavender vinegar. Added home made Creme de cassis too. Damned nice!

Buff_Baker Baked a vegan lemon drizzle cake and used WomersleyFoods Lime, Black Pepper and Lavender dressing to stunning effect.
roystonandhayes Thinking some nice sea bass with prawns and a dash of some fab WomersleyFoods Lime dressing to jazz them up a bit for our meal tonight.
IreneMyersPR Doused fresh figs wrapped in parma ham with lime, black pepper and lavender vinegar and baked them. It worked:) mopuptime
lahoguefarm Ok our *Coleslaw*-carrot, cabbage, onion, good plain mayonnaise >>then dressing of local honey, lemon juice, Womersley vinegar, wholegrain mustard & olive oil -only use a small amount of dressing ;0)
the_a_stevenson Beetroot, roast garlic, horseradish relish seasoned with WomersleyFoods lime-pepper-lavender vinegar Bunch of young Beetroot, 2 tbsp Stokes horseradish, 1 clove roast garlic, 1 tbsp mayo, 1 tbsp EVOO, 1 tbsp lime-lav. Approx.
RobGreenchef Quick cured Salmon. Marinade thin slices of raw salmon in your fave fruit vinegar, toss with leaves. Bunch of young Beetroot, 2 tbsp Stokes horseradish, 1 clove roast garlic, 1 tbsp mayo, 1 tbsp EVOO, 1 tbsp lime-lav. Approx.
the_a_stevenson Been playing with lime, pepper, lavender dressing for a while. Just found the killer use for it: on stir fried beetroot stems. All gone! But more beetroot in the wings. Stems & leaves chopped, fried in butter then good splash of the lime & lavender
the_a_stevenson Penne, carrots & parsnip roasted with SeasonedPioneer dukkah spice, then all dressed with womersleyfoods lime, lavender, black pepper
Chefscouse Curry oil finished with lime dressing #fruity
Strawberry & Mint Vinegar
YasminLimbert Panna Cotta with Strawberry & Mint http://bit.ly/2iBOjCx
HomeSmithsJax Love the strawberry & mint over roasted butternut squash and feta salad ;P
HomeSmithsJax Made myself a Feta, chickpea, mint & spring onion salad last night used Strawberry & Mint vinegar - was fab
RobGreenchef This weeks tip. Easy! pour Strawberry & Mint vinegar and Black pepper onto strawberries for a taste of Wimbledon
JonWe11ington Scones filled with WomersleyFoods strawberry and mint infused cream is AMAZING!!
adambaseyfood Used the Strawberry vinegar in a fennel purée. It's great with strawberries and fresh mint too
matkiwi Mat Follas My kids reckon my cooked bananas, nutella and WomersleyFoods strawberry & mint dressing should be on the restaurant menu!
the_a_stevenson Is it wrong to pour WomersleyFoods strawberry and mint vinegar over vanilla ice cream? Don't be silly, it could be what it's made for. Surely it's made for ice cream? ;-) Like good old-fashioned raspberry dash. Now trying it in a martini as it's gin o'clock
leepatchef A salad of cucumber melon and tomatoes marinated in WomersleyFoods strawberry and mint vinegar.
Blackcurrant & Rosemary Vinegar
Lovecheeseyork Today's menu pick: Stilton, Pear & Walnut salad with Blackcurrant & Rosemary dressing. Lush.
TheMonkeypoodle The blackcurrant/rosemary one, which BTW, I made lovely sauce for lamb with the other day!
RobGreenchef Just made a quick red wine sauce for tea using blackcurrant and rosemary vinegar. Really good.... red wine, beef stock, a little tomato puree, your fab vinegar. Reduce and thicken with some chilled, unsalted butter.
Arganic_UK Just enjoyed your blackcurrant & rosemary vinegar on my salmon tonight, only a few drops needed & it really lifted the dish
adarchan #MeatFreeMonday Here's a tip for you: drizzle luxurious Blackcurrant + Rosemary dressing over mixed veg, roast in oven
RuthBadleyPR Found another new use for your Blackcurrant & Rosemary yesterday: Whole chestnut mushrooms sprinkled with a little Lea and Perrins and your fruity vinegar. Cover and bake in medium oven for 40-50 minutes. Baste with the dark, sticky juices that develop before serving as an accompaniment to rib eye steak. Amazingly good.
Brays_Cottage Sumac lamb on Puy lentil salad - help from toezapper olivesetal and womersleyfoods x
thehungrymanc 6 hours in the oven & the mutton was a resounding success. Blackcurrant and rosemary vinegar from WomersleyFoods made for an awesome gravy
Arganic_UK A pleasure to see you again Rupert, looking forward to caramelising veggies with my blackcurrant & rosemary dressing, ohh yes!
RobGreenchef Todays Tip! Make a fantastic quick mint sauce using blackcurrant and rosemary dressing and fresh mint. Pour over roast Yorkshire lamb for a real Womersley winner!
Orange & Mace Vinegar
Chefscouse Liquorice and anise smoked trout. Cured with WomersleyFoods orange and mace vinegar
artisanFT Artisan Food Trail Add some spice to your #Christmas with your Orange & Mace Vinegar is fantastic! AFTWomersley
josordoni Hey Rupert, sprinkled your Orange and Mace Dressing over my grilled lemon sole yesterday evening. MMMMMMMMM !!
leerushforth i used it through potted duck! Gives it a whole new level! Confit duck legs 5~6hrs in oil or stock, pick meat and beat with either duck fat or stock and little butter and season.. then dash of orange and mace, and normally serve in a kilner jar. Should be pate consistency
BotanicalBaker Experimental salad of oranges, home grown rocket, orange infused olive oil and some WomersleyFoods orange and mace. Needs cheese I think...
Chefscouse Swinton estate trout curing using WomersleyFoods orange and mace vinegar. Going to smoke tomorow #smokey
josordoni Rupe, did you see you got used in my fab salads? http://owl.li/aVtKO end of the Orange now ;(
TweeterMag Brace of pheasants in freezer needed using. Poached with fennel, onions, celery, walnuts, new carrot, and @WomersleyFoods orange & mace
Blackberry Vinegar
Brays_Cottage #ndfm lamb shanks in red wine, WomersleyFoods vinegar, goodshoeday rosemary, garlic & a few blackberries
BotanicalBaker Blackberry one on beetroot - yummy!
HomeSmithsJax Great - am also having a non drinking friend for dinner at the weekend so will be using vinegars 4 cordials #Trecipe
VanessaKimbell The perfect blackberry & extra virgin olive oil dressing for my salad
ArtHouseCafe Today's specials - pear and Stilton salad with WomersleyFoods blackberry vinegar dressing. And ratatouille with cwildman 's Yorkshire chorizo and loads of crusty bread to mop up with! :) went down a treat! Now I want one! :) #foodporn
GrowingDirect Carol Ford The Weekender using WestlandsWow WomersleyFoods & Beef via AnniesMktGarden
Cherry Vinegar
Nibbly_Pig Enjoyed WomersleyFoods cherry vinegar we bought from you with some strawberries & ice cream. #summer
georgeatwath Pre starter; mussels, seaweed, samphire WomersleyFoods cherry vinegar and lime, black pepper & lavender dressing tonight, going down a treat
janestaunton1 Totally fab, made a gorge sauce using damson jam, red wine and your cherry vinegar! It was lush...
janestaunton1 Will be using the fruity selection from WomersleyFoods on some duck breasts this Saturday.....watch this space!
Halen_Mon We are big fans of your vinegars here at HM - lovely on fresh salads
kateigray Baked figs with Yorkshire Honey with ginger, WomersleyFoods cherry vinegar and YummyYorkshire honey and ginger.
fly276 Emergency snack. Ham + crunchy courgette! Uninspired, yes but bring on the WomersleyFoods Cherry vinegar dressing. Magic!
AgzPNE Made pear and honey smoothies for my nieces other day. Drizzle of Cherry Vinegar and it was a hit! Just chucked all in! ;) Didn't measure anything. Used 4 softish pears; vanilla ice cream/milk/runny honey topped off with cherry vinegar Whizzed in blender. Eldest sprinkled cornflakes in for bit of crunch...
fly276 mmm, tasty snack: chunky chopped courgette, rough grind seasalt, + WomersleyFoods cherry vinegar! Delicious.